Holga 120 GCFN Review & How-To with Sample Images | The Best Camera in the World!


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If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with the Holga camera. It goes everywhere I go and it’s a huge reason why I became a photographer in the first place. It takes the dreamiest images AND it’s super easy to use! For being considered a “toy camera”, it truly has unlimited potential. In my latest Cameras & Cats youtube video, I share all of my favorite things about the camera as well as tips and tricks for how to get the best photos possible. If you want to see the camera in action, make sure to check out my adventure video from last month, where I took the camera to Las Vegas with me!

Below, I’ve included all of the images featured in the video so you can take a closer look at them. These are some of my favorite images I’ve taken over the years. A few of them have actually won awards and have been featured in gallery shows across the US!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! You should definitely pick up a Holga (purchase your own here) if you get the chance. They are super affordable as well, ranging from $40-100 depending on which version and color you are interested in. I prefer the Holga 120 GCFN model, which features a glass lens and a built-in flash. This helps me get even sharper images than the traditional plastic lens Holga and allows me to photograph in lower light situations. The Holga, in general, requires a lot of light to perform well, so that built-in flash can really make a difference on those cloudy days or when you’re shooting indoors.





KEH Camera


Lomography 400 120 film

Kodak Portra 160 120 film

Kodak Portra 400 120 film


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Happy Caturday!

<3 Myles Katherine

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Black & White Holga Photos taken in Paris, France


I've been lucky enough to visit Paris twice in my life. The first time, I was taking summer classes during my sophomore year of college with my sister. Photography was becoming my new obsession and I had just started using the Holga camera. It's kind of crazy to think that I took the Holga with me and only shot a few rolls being there for a whole month. If I was in Paris now for a whole month, I would probably have a thousand film rolls by the end of that trip! We spent time in almost every park in Paris and we rode bicycles out to Monet's Garden with our cousin Sarah (who was backpacking through Europe). I learned so much from that month in Paris and I have a strange attachment to the photos I took on that first trip, even if they aren't technically the best photos I've ever taken.

The second time I visited Paris was in 2015 with my family but it was only for a few days. I managed to take quite a few rolls of film during that time though. Paris is seriously the most beautiful city I've ever seen and I definitely plan on going back again at some point. And hopefully again and again and again...

I know I say it all the time, but the Holga is truly my favorite camera. I honestly don't know what I would do without it! I feel such a connection to it (which I know is extremely nerdy) and it's taught me so much about film photography. Below are my favorite Holga photos I've taken in Paris so far. If you'd like to purchase a print, you can contact me directly here. <3

Paris 2008

Paris 2015